Andrea Bachner
As a professor of Comparative Literature at Cornell, I work on Sinophone, Latin American, and European cultures from a wide range of theoretical perspectives. For me, theoretical reflection provides the excitement of thinking and imagining anew, but I am also deeply invested in interrogating the contexts, histories, and ideologies that surround, enable, burden, and complicate what we call “theory.” During my term as editor of Diacritics I want to highlight the productivity and plasticity of theoretical and critical thought for a range of cultural contexts, as well as political and ethical debates; to let new voices and methodologies shine with (in dialogue and friction with, or even against) more traditional approaches. “Theory” has never meant only one tradition, but constitutes a productive, poly-sited, ever-evolving multiplicity instead. Academic publishing is a high-pressure environment, and Diacritics is a part of that. But Diacritics is also a space for intellectual dialogue, feedback, and engagement—through each of the different steps in the process from submission to review, from publication to reception.
Hannah Miller
I took over the position of managing editor of Diacritics in 2020, thus returning to Cornell where I also earned my PhD. In the past, I have worked as managing editor for a university press, as translator in digital scholarship services, and as an instructor of film and media studies. I now run Diacritics full time, from submission queries and copyediting to art selection and final press-ready files. I enjoy supporting authors at all stages of their academic careers in refining their intellectual arguments and their personal writing styles.
Andrea Bachner
Hannah Miller