- Front Matter
- Antigone or The Irony of the Tribe
Josette Féral, Alice Jardine, and Tom Gora
Reviewing Luce Irigaray, Speculum de l’autre femme and Ce sexe qui n’en est pas un; Julia Kristeva, Polylogues - Biblioclasm: Joycing Jesus and Borges
Andrew J. McKenna
Reviewing John Dominic Crossan, Raid on the Articulate: Comic Eschatology in Jesus and Borges - The Melodrama of Meaning
Ronald C. Rosbottom
Reviewing Peter Brooks, The Melodramatic Imagination: Balzac, Henry James, Melodrama, and the Mode of Excess - Cataparalysis
Tom Conley
- Supersession and the Subject: A Reconsideration of Stanley Fish’s “Affective Stylistics”
William Ray
- “The Idea Embodied in the Cosmology”: The Significance of Dorothy Van Ghent
Daniel R. Schwarz
Reviewing Dorothy Van Ghent,The English Novel: Form and Function - Back Matter