- Front Matter
- Ethnological “Lie” and Mythical “Truth”
Hayden White
Reviewing René Girard, Violence and the Sacred - Mimesis and Truth
Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe
Reviewing René Girard, Système du délire and La violence et le sacré - Origin of Geometry, IV
Michel Serres
- Interview: René Girard
Diacritics and René Girard - Λῃστὰς Ἔφασϰε: Oedipus and Laius’ Many Murderers
Sandor Goodhart
- Psychotic Structure and Girard’s Doubles
Jean-Michel Oughourlian and Guy Lefort - Cooperative Mimesis: Don Quixote and Sancho Panza
Ciriaco Morón-Arroyo
Reviewing Cesar Bandera, Mímesis conflictiva: Ficción literaria y violencia en Cervantes y Calderón - Back Matter