- Front Matter
- Lévi-Strauss and the Protocols of Distance
Eugenio Donato
Reviewing Claude Lévi-Strauss, Mythologiques I: Le cru et le cuit, Mythologiques II: Du miel aux cendres, Mythologiques III: L’origine des manières de table, and Mythologiques IV: L’homme nu - Cognition and the Implied Reader
Robert Scholes
Reviewing Wolfgang Iser, The Implied Reader: Patterns of Communication in Prose Fiction from Bunyan to Beckett - The Discreet Charm of Semiotics, or Esthetics in the Emperor’s New Clothes
Teresa De Lauretis
Reviewing Cesare Brandi, Teoria generale della critica - … Reading Readers Reading Readers Reading…
C. Barry Chabot
Reviewing Norman N. Holland, Five Readers Reading - Literary Semiotics: A Linguistic Reading of Text
Michael Rengstorf
Reviewing Jean-Claude Coquet, Sémiotique littéraire: Contribution à l’analyse sémantique du discours - Peter-Stephen Isomorphisms, 2
Michel Serres - Heads or Tails: Women in American Movies and Society
D. I. Grossvogel
Reviewing Molly Haskell, From Reverence to Rape: The Treatment of Women in the Movies - Response: A Miller’s Tale
Joseph N. Riddel
- Back Matter