- Front Matter
- Making It (New) in the Middle Ages: Towards a Problematics of Alterity
Peter Haidu
Reviewing Paul Zumthor, Essai de poétique médiévale - Medieval Narrative vs. Modern Assumptions: Revising Inadequate Typology
Charles Altman
Reviewing by Karl D. Uitti, Story, Myth, and Celebration in Old French Narrative Poetry, 1050-1200; William W. Ryding, Structure in Medieval Narrative - What Do We Read When We Read?
Alicia Borinsky
Reviewing Mario Vargas Llosa, García Márquez: Historia de un deicidio - CriticalPriorities
Leslie Brisman
Reviewing Stanley Fish, Self-Consuming Artifacts: The Experience of Seventeenth-Century Literature - An Ethics of Language
Edward Said
Reviewing Michel Foucault, The Archeology of Knowledge and The Discourse on Language - Interview: Emir Rodríguez Monegal
Roberto González Echevarría, Emir Rodríguez Monegal, and Isabel C. Gómez - Nodes (Part 2)
Robert G. Cohn - Bergman’s Persona: The Metaphysics of Meta-Cinema
David L. Vierling
- Response: García Márquez and the Genealogical Imperative
Patricia Tobin
- Response: Big Mama’s Wake
Roberto González Echevarría - Back Matter