- Bios, Immunity, Life: The Thought of Roberto Esposito
Timothy Campbell - The Immunization Paradigm
Roberto Esposito, Timothy Campbell - Interview
Roberto Esposito - Immunity and Negation: On Possible Developments of the Theses Outlined in Roberto Esposito’s Immunitas
Massimo Donà - From the Immune Community to the Communitarian Immunity: On the Recent Reflections of Roberto Esposito
Rossella Bonito Oliva - Leaving Politics: Bios, Zōē, Life
Laurent Dubreuil - Zones of Exception: Biopolitical Territories in the Neoliberal Era
Gabriel Giorgi, Karen Pinkus - The Ambivalences of Biopolitics
Laura Bazzicalupo - Extra Ear: Ear on the Arm Blender
Stelarc - Access issue at JSTOR