- Front Matter
- Writing & Not Writing about Music
G. S. Rousseau
Reviewing Charles Rosen, The Classical Style: Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven - Dostoievskian Standard Time
Michael Holquist
Reviewing Vasily Rozanov, Dostoevsky and the Legend of the Grand Inquisitor - From Flaubert to Mallarmé: The Knights of Nothingness
Joseph Halpern
Reviewing Jean-Paul Sartre, L’Idiot de la famille: Gustave Flaubert de 1821 à 1857 - Culinary Marxism
Ehrhard Bahr and Ruth Kunzer
Reviewing Hans Mayer, Steppenwolf and Everyman: Outsiders and Conformists in Contemporary Literature - Obscenity and Revolution
Sandy Petrey
Reviewing Jean Borie, Zola et les mythes (ou de la nausée au salut) - Semiology and Rhetoric
Paul de Man
- Lévi-Strauss, Frye, Derrida and Shakespearean Criticism
René Girard
- The Self-Sufficient Text
Michael Riffaterre
- Show and Tell: Movies, Moviegoers, Movie Making
D. I. Grossvogel
Reviewing Stanley Cavell, The World Viewed: Reflections on the Ontology of Film - Response
Micheline Tison-Braun - Back Matter