- Front Matter
- Introduction
Ian Balfour - Taking Exception to Decision: Walter Benjamin and Carl Schmitt
Samuel Weber - Benjamin’s Readings
Fredric Jameson - Benjamin’s Tessera: “Myslowitz-Braunschweig-Marseille”
Carol Jacobs - Poedelaire: Translation and the Volatility of the Letter
Fritz Gutbrodt
Reviewing Bettine Menke, Sprachfiguren: Name, Allegorie, Bild Nach Benjamin; John P. Muller, and William J. Richardson, eds., The Purloined Poe: Lacan, Derrida, and Psychoanalytic Reading - Notes on the “Dialectical Image” (How Deconstructive Is It?)
Anselm Haverkamp
- Walter Benjamin and Erich Auerbach: Fragments of a Correspondence
Karlheinz Barck
- Words of Light: Theses on the Photography of History
Eduardo Cadava
- The Claim of History
Christopher Fynsk - Flat Death: Snapshots of History
Elissa Marder
- The Poetic Ground Laid Bare (Benjamin Reading Baudelaire)
Rainer Nägele
- The Politics of Youth: Walter Benjamin’s Reading of The Idiot
Irving Wohlfarth
- Back Matter