- Front Matter Sade, or Text as Fantasy
Michael Riffaterre
Reviewing Roland Barthes, Sade, Fourier, Loyola - Proletarian Meditations: Georg Lukács’ Politics of Knowledge
John Flores
Reviewing Georg Lukács, History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics - Must One be Metacritical
Elias L. Rivers
Reviewing Frank J. Warnke, Versions of Baroque: European Literature in the Seventeenth Century - Larvatus Prodeo
Robert Champigny
Reviewing Fredric Jameson, Marxism and Form: Twentieth-Century Dialectical Theories of Literature - Octavio Paz & the Critique of the Pyramid
Eduardo G. González
Reviewing Octavio Paz, Posdata - Interview: Octavio Paz
Octavio Paz, Roberto González Echevarría, Emir Rodríguez Monegal, and Rolena Adorno - The Discourse of the Maxim
Philip E. Lewis
- Blow-Up: The Forms of an Esthetic Itinerary
David I. Grossvogel
- Polemic
Ihab Hassan - Back Matter