- Front Matter
- Sartre Resartus
Gerald Prince
Reviewing Denis Hollier, Politique de la prose: Jean-Paul Sartre et l’an quarante - Sartre: Fort! Ou Da?
Sarah Kofman
Reviewing Denis Hollier, Politique de la prose: Jean-Paul Sartre et l’an quarante - Love Me, Love My Ombre, Elle
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak - Re(dis)covering Structuralism
Karlis Racevskis
Reviewing David Carroll, The Subject in Question: The Languages of Theory and the Strategies of Fiction - The Law of/and Gender: Genre Theory and The Prelude
Mary Jacobus
Reviewing Alistair Fowler, Kinds of Literature: An Introduction to the Theory of Genres and Modes - Reach without a Grasp
Charles Altieri
Reviewing Paul Fry, The Reach of Criticism: Method and Perception in Literary Theory - Riddles of the Sphincter: Another Look at the Cuban Choteo
Gustavo Pérez Firmat
- Back Matter